MarineVerse Cup

MarineVerse Cup Streaks

🏆RetsirofYacht US262🔥
2RetsirofDinghy US262🔥
3RetsirofDinghy Pro262🔥
4RetsirofDinghy Zone 3262🔥
5DeversiyMENYacht Zone 6184🔥
6Doug2112Dinghy US177🔥
7RetsirofYacht Zone 3157🔥
8donjarrlDinghy CA124🔥
9donjarrlYacht CA124🔥
10donjarrlYacht Zone 3124🔥
11donjarrlYacht Pro124🔥
12Zorm325Yacht Pro100🔥
13Zorm325Yacht Zone 3100🔥
14Zorm325Yacht US100🔥
15Zorm325Dinghy US100🔥
16Zorm325Dinghy Zone 3100🔥
17Zorm325Dinghy Pro100🔥
18donjarrlDinghy Pro96🔥
19donjarrlDinghy Zone 396🔥
20Doug2112Dinghy Pro80🔥
21RetsirofYacht Pro61🔥
22RetsirofOpti Pro61🔥
23Chilled Moira JYacht Zone 644🔥
24Chilled Moira JDinghy Zone 644🔥
25Chilled Moira JYacht Pro44🔥
26Mighty BearYacht Zone 641🔥
27Mighty BearCatamaran Pro41🔥
28Mighty BearDinghy Zone 641🔥
29Mighty BearYacht Pro41🔥
30Mighty BearDinghy Pro41🔥
31Chilled Moira JDinghy Pro36🔥
32Hein BloedYacht DE34🔥
33Doug2112Dinghy Zone 334🔥
34CarlYacht Zone 631🔥
35AZJYacht Pro23
36AZJDinghy Pro23
37AZJCatamaran Pro23
38Hein BloedDinghy DE19
39DRanOpti Pro18
40DRanDinghy Pro18
41DRanWaszp Pro18
42DRanCatamaran Pro18
43DRanYacht Pro18
44CarlYacht CA17
45Chilled Moira JOpti Pro17
46CarlYacht Zone 317
47CarlYacht Pro17
48Chilled Moira JWaszp Pro17
49Chilled Moira JWaszp Zone 617
50Murat1233Yacht Zone 613
51RetsirofCatamaran Pro11
52Capt JayYacht Pro10
53JD Catamaran Pro9
54PapaVoleDinghy Pro9
55PapaVoleYacht Pro9
56PapaVoleDinghy US7
57Hein BloedYacht Zone 67
58Chilled Moira JCatamaran Pro7
59SailingMurphyDinghy US7
60SailingMurphyDinghy Pro7
61Defender TD5Yacht Pro6
62Defender TD5Dinghy Zone 66
63Defender TD5Dinghy Pro6
64Defender TD5Yacht Zone 66
65xplaneroYacht Zone 66
66JD Yacht Pro6
67Defender TD5Dinghy GB6
68Defender TD5Yacht GB6
69JD Waszp Pro6
70JD Opti Pro6
71xplaneroYacht Pro6
72xplaneroDinghy Zone 65
73xplaneroWaszp Zone 65
74Hein BloedYacht Pro5
75xplaneroDinghy Pro5
76xplaneroWaszp Pro5
77Db4Yacht US4
78Chicago AaronYacht Pro4
79Capt JayYacht US4
80Db4Yacht Zone 34
81Db4Yacht Pro4
82Capt JayYacht Zone 34
83Hein BloedDinghy Zone 64
84Banjo140Yacht GB3
85Yeah BoyDinghy Pro3
86Banjo140Yacht Zone 63
87Yeah BoyYacht Pro3
88GlynDinghy GB3
89Yeah BoyCatamaran Pro3
90Yeah BoyOpti Pro3
91SailingMurphyCatamaran Pro3
92WolfstokerYacht GB2
93WolfstokerYacht Intro2
94PapaVoleYacht US2
95JD Yacht Zone 82
96Banjo140Yacht Pro2
97JD Dinghy Pro2
98WolfstokerYacht Zone 62
99AllanYacht Pro2
100SailingMurphyYacht Pro2
101Banjo140Dinghy Zone 62
102SailingMurphyWaszp Zone 31
103SailingMurphyYacht US1
104SailingMurphyYacht US Massachusetts1
105PapaGeorgeDinghy US1
106SailingMurphyDinghy Zone 31
107SailingMurphyWaszp Pro1
108SailingMurphyOpti Pro1
109South of Broad Bubba Dinghy US1
110PapaGeorgeYacht US Michigan1
111jStarwhipYacht Zone 31
112jStarwhipYacht Zone 81
113Captain Lambertus Dinghy Pro1
114Bob R USAYacht Zone 31
115Bob R USAYacht US1
116South of Broad Bubba Yacht US1
117Captain Lambertus Catamaran Pro1
118PapaVoleDinghy Zone 31
119AlextehaYacht Intro1
120jStarwhipYacht Pro1
121PapaVoleYacht Zone 31
122jStarwhipYacht US1
123Bob R USAYacht Pro1
124JazzminYacht Intro1
125SailingMurphyYacht Zone 31