MarineVerse Cup

MarineVerse Cup Streaks

🏆DeversiyMENYacht Zone 6415🔥
2dumpstrYacht US New York83🔥
3dumpstrYacht US79🔥
4DuckdiveDinghy DE71🔥
5DuckdiveYacht DE71🔥
6DuckdiveYacht Zone 671🔥
7DuckdiveYacht Pro71🔥
8DRanDinghy Pro70🔥
9DRanYacht Pro70🔥
10DRanWaszp Pro70🔥
11DRanCatamaran Pro70🔥
12RetsirofDinghy US63🔥
13RetsirofDinghy Pro63🔥
14RetsirofDinghy Zone 363🔥
15FerfosYacht Zone 627
16FerfosYacht ES27
17Scott N.Yacht Pro25
18Hein BloedYacht Zone 621
19MadjonesDinghy Zone 321
20MadjonesDinghy Pro21
21Hein BloedYacht DE21
22Mighty BearYacht Pro20
23Zorm325Dinghy US20
24Zorm325Dinghy Zone 320
25Mighty BearCatamaran Pro20
26RetsirofOpti Pro20
27Mighty BearYacht Zone 620
28Zorm325Yacht Zone 320
29RetsirofYacht Pro20
30Mighty BearCatamaran Zone 620
31Mighty BearDinghy Zone 620
32RetsirofCatamaran Pro20
33Zorm325Dinghy Pro20
34RetsirofYacht US20
35RetsirofYacht Zone 320
36Zorm325Yacht Pro20
37Zorm325Yacht US New Jersey20
38Mighty BearDinghy Pro20
39Zorm325Yacht US20
40XplaneroYacht Pro19
41XplaneroYacht Zone 619
42Captain JayYacht US18
43RickYacht US California15
44RickYacht US15
45RickYacht Zone 315
46RickYacht Pro15
47PapaGeorgeYacht US Michigan14
48PapaGeorgeDinghy US14
49Yeah buoyYacht Pro13
50JD Catamaran Pro9
51Barry KC2684Dinghy Pro8
52Barry KC2684Yacht Pro8
53Favorite ThingsYacht US7
54DRanOpti Pro7
55Yeah buoyDinghy Pro7
56JD Dinghy Pro6
57JD Yacht Pro6
58ApfelgluckYacht Zone 65
59JD Opti Pro5
60Db4Yacht Pro5
61Db4Yacht US5
62Captain JayYacht Zone 34
63MarcDinghy Intro4
64Captain JayYacht Pro4
65Robbie2Dinghy US4
66FortnumYacht US Texas4
67Bing A LingDinghy US3
68donjarrlYacht Zone 33
69Defender TD5Yacht Zone 63
70Defender TD5Dinghy GB3
71AZJYacht Zone 63
72GlitchosoYacht Zone 63
73Moira J More then a JibeCatamaran Zone 63
74Defender TD5Yacht GB3
75Bing A LingYacht US California3
76Bing A LingDinghy Zone 33
77donjarrlYacht CA British Columbia3
78MadjonesOpti Pro3
79Barry KC2684Catamaran Pro3
80GlitchosoYacht Pro3
81Admiral Roy CabrasYacht US3
82Skipper FlickCatamaran Zone 83
83Barry KC2684Waszp Pro3
84Defender TD5Dinghy Pro3
85donjarrlYacht Pro3
86donjarrlYacht CA3
87Bing A LingYacht Zone 33
88Defender TD5Yacht Pro3
89Bing A LingDinghy Pro3
90Defender TD5Dinghy Zone 63
91DRanDinghy Zone 33
92DRanYacht Zone 33
93Bing A LingYacht US3
94MadjonesDinghy CA3
95Moira J More then a JibeWaszp Zone 63
96zenYacht US3
97Bing A LingYacht Pro3
98DanielYacht Intro2
99DanielDinghy Intro2
100StuarthYacht Pro2
101Denis IlievCatamaran Zone 62
102Adam 808PilotYacht Zone 32
103Captain PeteYacht Pro2
104XplaneroDinghy Pro2
105Db4Yacht Zone 32
106Captain PeteYacht Zone 32
107XplaneroCatamaran Zone 62
108DanielDinghy Zone 62
109AZJYacht Pro2
110FortnumDinghy US2
111XplaneroWaszp Pro2
112JD Catamaran Zone 82
113XplaneroDinghy Zone 62
114Chris SailabilityDinghy Pro2
115AZJCatamaran Zone 62
116Chris SailabilityDinghy Zone 82
117Captain PeteDinghy Pro2
118Captain PeteDinghy Zone 32
119AZJDinghy Pro2
120AZJCatamaran Pro2
121XplaneroWaszp Zone 62
122HaolezeusYacht Pro2
123StuarthYacht US Illinois1
124LegaseaYacht US Colorado1
125JerryTXYacht Intro1
126DonYacht Intro1
127Skipper FlickYacht Zone 81
128CapitanoanoYacht Intro1
129Terri's Wind DancerYacht US1
130ZSAILS77Dinghy Pro1
131loulougator Dinghy Intro1
132Banjo140Dinghy GB1
133Yeah buoyOpti Pro1
134HaolezeusDinghy Pro1
135Capt ZYacht Pro1
136CalJamesYacht US1
137CalJamesYacht Pro1
138Adam 808PilotYacht US1
139ArtNYacht Zone 31
140Yeah buoyCatamaran Pro1
141XplaneroCatamaran Pro1
142Ricou50Yacht Intro1
143ArtNYacht Pro1
144HiflyerDinghy Intro1
145Adam 808PilotYacht Pro1
146CalJamesDinghy Pro1
147AxellYacht Zone 61
148loulougator Catamaran Zone 61
149Mighty BearYacht FR1
150JerryTXYacht US Texas1
151JerryTXYacht US1
152HaolezeusDinghy US1
153HaolezeusYacht US1
154Mio737Yacht FR1
155Mio737Yacht Zone 61
156LegaseaYacht Pro1
157Ricou50Yacht FR1
158HiflyerYacht Zone 61
159HiflyerYacht GB1
160Terri's Wind DancerYacht US Colorado1
161HobDinghy Zone 61
162Terri's Wind DancerYacht Pro1
163C AYacht CA1
164C AYacht CA British Columbia1
165Capt ZYacht US1
166FiggyYacht Intro1
167FiggyDinghy Intro1
168BrendonDinghy Intro1
169ArtNYacht US1
170Capt ZYacht Zone 31
171CalJamesYacht Zone 31
172Terri's Wind DancerYacht Zone 31
173SeaSolYacht US1
174DonYacht CA British Columbia1
175DonCatamaran Zone 31
176DonYacht CA1
177LegaseaYacht US1
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