MarineVerse members

A global community of sailors using virtual reality to learn, compete and relax.


Why MarineVerse?

Wanted a relaxing game and I enjoy sailing, racing and exploring. Now I just wish there was weather like storm physics. Also It would be cool to simulate land-saling, perhaps across a dunned beach or even the moon. Great potential with this game's foundation for future installments.

Sailing experience:

Taught sailing in Boy Scout summer camp. Some Yacht sailing experience but nothing larger than that.

MarineVerse Cup stats

#1 in Jacksonville

#29 in Florida

#515 inUnited States of America.

#637 in Americas

#977 in the World.

Sailing inYacht Intro & Yacht Zone 3 & Dinghy Zone 3 & Dinghy Intro & Waszp Zone 3 & Catamaran Zone 3 & Waszp US & Yacht US Florida leagues.

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