MarineVerse members

A global community of sailors using virtual reality to learn, compete and relax.


Why MarineVerse?

First of all sailing and VR are two of the things that I love most and when I heard about MarineVerse from my sailing coach I knew that I had to try it. I love sailing because I is great sport that mixes endurance, physically and your mind all In one sport. My family is a very big sailing family and I have been sailing for my whole life and have been competativly sailing for about 7 years. Also I love VR because of how cool it is and how you feel like you have been transported to an entirely different world.

Sailing experience:

Right now I am a competative opti sailer. I am on team USA and I have traveled all of over the US to sail, I have been with a US team to the bahamas and soon I will go to europe with the US. Recently I got 75 out 200 sailors at team trials which is where the top 25% of competative opti sailers in the US compete to qualify to go to regattas around the world.

MarineVerse Cup stats

#22 in New York

#490 in Americas

#834 in the World.

Sailing inYacht Intro & Yacht Zone 3 & Dinghy Zone 3 & Dinghy Intro & Waszp Zone 3 & Catamaran Zone 3 & Waszp US & Yacht US New York leagues.

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