Learn to sail

NauticEd and MarineVerse bring you the first VR Sailing Course

Master your boat and sailing techniques in a safe environment.
Have more fun on the water.

  • Are you dreaming of a sailing lifestyle but unsure where to begin?
  • Are you planning a cruise and taking sailing lessons but want safe practice to build your skills and confidence?
  • Are you a sailor and do need to refresh your skills?

This training is for you!

MarineVerse has partnered with NauticEd to bring the best training curriculum to VR. You can practice at your own pace, trimming the sails, managing the boat speed and navigating for various points of sail.

And the Self Mastery course is included for free in the price of MarineVerse Cup app!

NauticEd Training Room

Do you want to learn how to sail?

Start your journey in a fun and effective way with MarineVerse Cup. Our app offers interactive environment that will help you put theory into practice.
Download MarineVerse Cup for Meta Quest 2 and start sailing today.

Meet other sailors and ask questions!

Join our free chat server and start learning. Get your questions answered, meet experienced sailors and beginners like you.

Enter MarineVerse Discord Chat Server.

Introduction to sailing in VR

Learn to skipper boats in a fun interactive way using latest virtual reality gadgets. Available for Meta Quest.

What to expect from the self-mastery training course?

Practice at your own speed and master some of the most important sailing skills including:

Basic sailing terminology


Sail Trim



Sailing a Course and more!

NauticEd Training Room

Self Mastery

How to sail upwind in MarineVerse Cup?

How to finish a race in MarineVerse Cup?

Need advice on what virtual reality hardware to buy?

What else can you do in MarineVerse Cup ?


Missing the joy of sailing? With 5 boats and 7 locations you can cruise or play games to chill and explore.


Want some adrenaline and a chance to invite your buddies for a good game? Join the daily, weekly or monthly races. Refine your technic and make it to the podium.


Join a community of passionate virtual and real life sailors, who can answer your questions and that you can join for a multiplayer race!

Learn how to tie knots in Mixed Reality
Download Rigging Drill for free.

Sail around the world ( Beta )

Join the MarineVerse Globe Beta to practice your navigation skills.
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