MarineVerse Cup

Yacht US Daily Race in San Francisco: November 16, 2023

Boat position

Boat speed

Boat balance

3Scott N.321.00s
4Capt Jay321.33s
5Beetle Bailey 322.44s
6Bob R USA323.32s
8Gkasper910 344.27s

Good day! Welcome to MarineVerse Cup Race in San Francisco on November 16th of 2023.. Sailing instructions. Racing markers order: 1, 3, 1, 3... Racing News: Yesterday's race was won by CalJames representing United States of America.. There were 9 other sailors racing... Congratulations CalJames!.. Word of the day: fender.. Good luck and ..Happy sailing!!!

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This race is part of Race Series:

Yacht US Autumn Race Series 2023

Yacht US Monthly Race Series: November 2023

Yacht US Weekly Race Series: Week 46 of 2023