MarineVerse Cup

Yacht US Daily Race in New York: November 14, 2023

2Capt Jay248.90s (+3.62)9Republican City
3CalJames249.12s (+3.84)8Dixon
4PapaGeorge251.00s (+5.72)7Chesterfield
5Db4251.30s (+6.02)6Tennessee
6Keep Calm and Sail On252.86s (+7.58)5Ormond Beach
7Beetle Bailey 255.31s (+10.03)4Senatobia
8Scott N.266.79s (+21.51)3Rochester
9Landlubber268.19s (+22.90)2Dover
10Gkasper910 283.09s (+37.81)1Levittown

Other attempts
1Db4 251.32s (+6.04)
2Beetle Bailey 262.25s (+16.97)
3Keep Calm and Sail On 263.96s (+18.68)
4Keep Calm and Sail On 266.56s (+21.28)
5Beetle Bailey 267.93s (+22.65)
6Landlubber 267.90s (+22.62)
7Landlubber 269.86s (+24.58)
8Db4 270.79s (+25.51)
9Gkasper910 275.65s (+30.37)
10Gkasper910 270.05s (+24.77)
💡 Sailors get up to 3 attempts in the Daily Race Practice. The latest race entry is used for the leaderboard.
Hi! Welcome to MarineVerse Cup Race in New York on November 14th of 2023.. Sailing instructions. Racing markers order: 1, 2, 1, 2, 3... Racing News: Yesterday's race was won by Retsirof representing United States of America.. There were 11 other sailors racing... Congratulations Retsirof!.. Word of the day: grounding.. Good luck and ..Happy sailing!!!

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This race is part of Race Series:

Yacht US Autumn Race Series 2023

Yacht US Monthly Race Series: November 2023

Yacht US Weekly Race Series: Week 46 of 2023

League: Yacht US

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