MarineVerse Cup

Yacht US Daily Race in San Francisco: November 26, 2023

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1Sail n Surg n257.04s
2Capt Jay258.08s
3Honest Aaron261.91s
5Keep Calm and Sail On268.84s
7Gkasper910 273.85s
9Sailing Murphy325.42s

Aloha Welcome to MarineVerse Cup Race in San Francisco on November 26th of 2023.. Sailing instructions. Racing markers order: 1, 2, 1, 2, 3... Racing News: Yesterday's race was won by Capt Jay representing United States of America.. There were 9 other sailors racing... Congratulations Capt Jay!.. Word of the day: pier.. Good luck and ..Happy sailing!!!

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This race is part of Race Series:

Yacht US Autumn Race Series 2023

Yacht US Monthly Race Series: November 2023

Yacht US Weekly Race Series: Week 48 of 2023