MarineVerse members

A global community of sailors using virtual reality to learn, compete and relax.

Michael R

Why MarineVerse?

Sailing is an immersive way to challenge the mind and body within the natural elements and within a competitive social environment.

Sailing experience:

I first sailed as a yacht crew member on Lake Pontchartrain in my home town New Orleans. While working in Vienna Austria, I on a whim took a dinghy sailing course, but it wasn’t until I joined a Berkeley Sailing Coop on SF Bay that I really learned the thrill of hanging out on a wire and surfing the waves. While teaching at an int’l school in Mountain View, I started a dinghy sailing course for High Schoolers at Shoreline Lake. I’m now in the Portland OR area, just bought a used Laser, and hope I can find some rain breaks and good wind!

MarineVerse Cup stats

#3 in Oregon

#53 inUnited States of America.

#65 in Americas

#102 in the World.

Sailing inYacht Pro & Waszp Pro & Yacht US & Yacht Zone 3 & Dinghy Zone 3 & Dinghy US & Waszp Zone 3 & Opti Pro & Catamaran Pro & Catamaran Zone 3 & Waszp US & Yacht US Oregon leagues.