A global community of sailors using virtual reality to learn, compete and relax.
The sailing season has started at my club. I race weekly and cruise a few times per week. But I have a shoulder injury. So, I’m trying virtual reality sailing during recovery from shoulder surgery that keeps me off of the water.
Sailed Sunfish, Laser, J22, Hake Seaward 23 cruiser
#2 in Nashville
#8 in Tennessee
#193 inUnited States of America.
#239 in Americas
#368 in the World.
Sailing inYacht Pro & Waszp Pro & Yacht US & Yacht Zone 3 & Dinghy Zone 3 & Dinghy US & Waszp Zone 3 & Opti Pro & Catamaran Pro & Catamaran Zone 3 & Waszp US & Yacht US Tennessee leagues.